At Kids Conversational, we understand the importance of developing communication skills in children at an early age. Our programs are designed to help children of all ages develop their communication skills in a fun and engaging way, using innovative teaching methodologies and customized learning materials.

We offer three different pricing tiers to choose from, each designed to meet the unique needs of your child and your budget. Our pricing tiers are as follows:

Basic Tier: Priced at $50 per month, our Basic Tier offers weekly online classes, basic learning materials, and limited access to support resources. This tier is a great option for families who are looking for an affordable way to introduce their children to communication skills programs.

Standard Tier: Priced at $100 per month, our Standard Tier includes more extensive online classes, customized learning materials, and access to additional support resources. This tier is ideal for families who want to provide their children with a more comprehensive learning experience and regular progress assessments.

Premium Tier: Priced at $200 per month, our Premium Tier offers advanced online classes, personalized coaching and feedback, access to exclusive resources and events, and ongoing assessments and progress reports. This tier is perfect for families who want to provide their children with the best possible learning experience, including opportunities for one-on-one sessions with instructors or guest speakers.

At Kids Conversational, we believe that every child deserves access to quality communication skills programs, regardless of their background or financial situation. We strive to provide our services at a fair and affordable price, without compromising on the quality of our programs or the level of support we provide to our students and their families.

All of our pricing tiers include access to our online portal, where you can easily manage your account, view your child's progress and access support resources. We also offer flexible payment options, including online card payment and PayPal, to make it easier for families to enroll their children in our programs.

We are committed to providing high-quality communication skills programs for children of all ages, and we are confident that our pricing tiers offer the flexibility and affordability that families need to support their child's learning and development. If you have any questions about our pricing tiers or our programs, please don't hesitate to contact us.